Forum Discussion

MikeSanders's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Basic Automation Question


I have two tables (Projects and Tracker) related by Project Name.  When a new Project name is added to the Projects table, i want to create a record (with the Project name) in the Tracker table.

I have tried to create a QB Action but this part doesn't work:

The Related MDU (Project Name) always comes in blank.  How do I fix it?


2 Replies

  • Can you post a screen shot of your relationship?  Are you sure that the Reference field on the right side of the Relationship is [Related RDU]?  Is the Key field of the Projects table Project Name?

    Perhaps the Key field of the Projects table  is [Record ID#] and that's what needs to be put into [Related RDU], as opposed to [Project Name]

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • MikeSanders's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hey Mark, thanks again for your help.  It was a key field issue and now works great, thank you!

      Mike Sanders