Forum Discussion

RachelCohen1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Batch printing a FORM (for a selected group of records)

Forms are designed to look at one record at a time, however it is very limited in its printing (i.e. one at a time).  I have used Filemaker for many years, and printing a form layout for a subset of records was simple.  There does not seem to be any similar functionality in Quickbase, which is a bit of issue, as I need to print ~100 records in the FORM view, but continuous, not one a time. Suggestions?

2 Replies

  • When you print a report, in fact there is an option which is right in front of your eyes, but actually none one "sees".  It will ask you if you want to print a report or 1 record per page (ie on a form).  You want the 2nd choice.

    In my experience if you start to print large batches it gets super slow and may fail.  25 will be OK.  But 100, may fail.  It may also be related to how many pages your form is.  Or you may need to be very patient.
  • Thank you!  I have seen the "print one to a page" pop up before, but it doesn't show up at the Form level, only in the Report level.  Huge help!  Thanks, Rachel