Forum Discussion
Thanks for getting this discussion started Mike.
For anyone that cannot Add a comment to the blog announcing these changes, please share any feedback or concerns here in this discussion.
There's an issue with some of our community members have that is a security setting behind our SSO config that I will not be able to fix until April 1. So we'll need to use a discussion thread like this instead.
Ben Simon
Do you have Feedback on how to make Qrew Discussions a better experience? Let's chat!
- MikeTamoush12 months agoQrew Commander
In my opinion, you would have to accomplish 3 things to get rid of webhooks (these are what affect me and I suspect the masses, others may have different requirements).
- Make the Pipelines Gui work, and work smoothly. Right now (see my other post), it is barely functional. Goes offline, doesn't save, is unthinkably slow. It is almost unusable. The top priority MUST be making Pipelines actually work. Seeing as how it has been like this since inception, it does not give us developers optimism that this is going to happen.
- Make Pipelines fire as fast as Webhooks. Meaning, they run instantly before the refresh of the page. This is paramount. My concern is that QB keeps talking about making them faster etc, but I don't think they mean Webhooks fast. We developers need some automations to fire essentially, instantaneously. So until a Pipeline fires in less than half a second, please do not get rid of Webhooks.
- A better organization structure. Perhaps 'folders' that you can put Webhooks in? The tags work OK, but so many webhooks are quick hitters, and some people will have 100, 200, or 300+ extra pipelines to accomplish fairly menial tasks. Having a list of 400 pipelines is hard for organization.
To me, numbers 1 and 2 are required, number 3 would be really nice.
Mike Tamoush
------------------------------- FraidyJacoby12 months agoQrew Trainee
Mike, I couldn't have said it better myself. I agree that these are the top three concerns with phasing out actions and webhooks and having total reliance on pipelines going forward. It's great that pipelines are constantly being improved on, but are they up to replacing actions and webhooks? Not quite.
Fraidy Jacoby