Forum Discussion

CurtisMiddleto1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Bulk Add Children Records


We have a form with a basic parent-child relationship for users to add children records.

Sometimes, the users need to add up to 100 records.

It becomes very tedious to do this 1 at a time.

Does anyone know of a simple way to solve for this that allows users to upload bulk records? I have a fiew ideas, but none of them seem very user friendly and I want this to be something relatively intuitive for end-users who aren't in Quickbase all the time.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

Curtis Middleton
  • Where do you propose the data comes form to fill out these 100 records.  Are they blank ones (aside from Related Parent) or will they have data whihc needs to be entered as they are being created?

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • CurtisMiddleto1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks for looking at this, Mark!

      They would likely have an Excel file. To give you some more context, the end-user has read-only access to a separate system that doesn't communicate with Quickbase. They can export a list of drawings they want from this system, then submit a request to our team to check out the drawings for them to complete edits. Prior, they would just attach this downloaded list to an email, but we are trying to get better tracking on these documents and the system they are held within can't manage a tracking funcitonality. Hence the need for a Quickbase solution.

      Curtis Middleton
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        So I gather if you upload 100 documents within that hundred documents they need to be attached to different parents? Does the download know anything about the parents

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)

  • Let's start with the basics. You can provide a link for the user to upload the file as separate records in the Import/Export menu. 

    If they need to be attached to a common parent, they can first create the parent, then do the import as orphans, then run a report of MY records imported today, missing a link to the parent. Then they can just run that report and do grid edit and attach them to the Parent record. 

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
  • Hi Curtis, we have another option for you that can make this very seemless for your end users.  They can add a parent record, upload an excel file during that add record process and when they save that record it would trigger our EZ File Importer add-on that would upload the rows in that excel file as child records to the parent record they created.

    This is a non-native solution but its an option if you are looking for simplicity and consistency.
    more here:

    Keith Jusas
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend


      New Forms do allow for adding children, it's just that they will not automatically connect them to the Parent record (ie they do not follow the behaviour of Legacy form in that respect.  Certainly if you want a User experience which is easy and foolproof, the Juiced Add on seems like the best solution.

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)