Forum Discussion

MalcolmMcDonald's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Bulk Barcode scanning on the mobile

I am needing to scan a pallet full of barcodes into an inventory system .. does anyone else have experience with doing this using the mobile app?  So far, I can only figure out a 3-tap minimum solution of tapping into the field, tapping the barcode button, then tapping save / next.  With 300 barcodes to scan, per pallet .. I'm thinking I might just be better off buying a barcode scanner.

Malcolm McDonald
  • Unfortunately, I think it is going to be a 3 tap minimum. In order to do bulk bar code scanning, then I think that you're going to want to buy a barcode scanner, and then use it to input into a spreadsheet, and then bulk upload the barcode data into the table.

    John Crosland
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      I believe that the last pipelines demo call I attended with QuickBase staff they demonstrated an amazing method of using an inexpensive barcode scanner handle attached to an iPhone / Android phone and they were able to do multiple scans going into a big Text field. Then the user would hit enter and I think the demo of the pipeline was to iterate over those records and create individual records. 

      I will bet that was recorded and maybe someone here remembers who did that pipelines demo.   If you can get hold them them they could have some ideas for you.  If I recall correctly they might've needed to have a bit of crazy code to do that parsing but somebody has already thought this through.

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        The organizer of that Zoom call a couple of weeks ago  was was Matthew Birsch.  So I would guess his email address is  It was also probably recorded.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)