Hi Lynne,
If you are looking for a library of icons you can use and an example of how you set up the formula you might find this article
Colorful Icons make Quickbase more Productive a helpful resource. It links away to an accessible library of images you can call out to in Quickbase and gives an example of the set up since you aren't looking to have the images link away to anywhere you are just trying to display images correct?
You can do that with a formula rich text field and a formula like this as an example:
Case ([Status],"Not Started","<img src=\"https://images.quickbase.com/si/16/227-rect_red.png\">>",
"<img src=\"https://images.quickbase.com/si/16/229-rect_yellow.png\">>",
"<img src=\"https://images.quickbase.com/si/16/228-rect_green.png\">>",
Evan Martinez