Button to check a box, open a URL, and reload while in Edit
If([Customer Print URL (Lookup):]="",
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" &
"&rid=" & [Record ID#] &
"&_fid_203=1" &
"&rdr=" &
URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() &
"?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#]),
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" &
"&rid=" & [Record ID#] &
"&_fid_203=1" &
"&rdr=" &
URLEncode([Customer Print URL (Lookup):]) &
URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() &
"?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#])))
This will open the print and check the box, but the page does not automatically reload to show the box is checked. It has to be manually refreshed. The work around that I have currently is to only show the button while in view mode. That way they can create the child record, fill out what they need to get the job started, and then save. Then they click the button to open the print, and when they edit to complete the job, the checkbox is checked. The problem with that is that they really should be looking at the print before they start the job. I am pretty sure I would have been able to get it to function before they disabled javascript, but not sure how to do it without. I'm not sure if a code page would be good for this as I haven't messed around too much with those.
Matt Jones