Forum Discussion

SalesInfo's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Button to go to a specific form without saving the current form

I want to create a button to go a specific form on the same table. I have the formula as below

URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&dfid=12&rid=" & ToText([Record ID#]) & "&z=" & Rurl()

On this form IDz# 12, I add couple fields of report link in grid edit where I use to add multiple records at the same time. My problem is that when I save this form, the default form also got saved even I did not add/edit anything besides clicking on the button. What should I do with the following problems:

1. Not saving the default form
2. Stay on the form ID 12 after saving
3. On form 12, beside two report links (in grid), I created a multiple choice field to choose so the either the report link display depends on the user's choice. This is just a extra field so I do not want it to be saved after I click Save the report. This is a same problem as the default form where this field is saved separately. How Do I not include this field?

See below for form 12

Thank you in advance!
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