Forum Discussion

RubyKapil1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Button to Run Pipeline On Demand by User

I have a Pipeline that does a Bulk Upsert to create new records at a Parent Table. I would like the user to run this pipeline after they have completed their import of data into the Child Table. Rather than schedule the Pipeline to run unnecessarily every hour or force user to complete their import before a certain daily scheduled run, I am checking to see if a Button to trigger/run the pipeline is viable and if so how would I accomplish this.

Ruby Kapil, Windstream, Inc.
  • I think that you would have to rebuild the Pipeline  to make it trigger when a record is updated.  Then make a helper table with one record in it where you can push a button to update a date/ time field to the current date time and thus cause the Pipeline to trigger.

    To my knowledge there is no API call to run a pipeline.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • RubyKapil1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Many thanks, Mark! That worked beautifully.

      Ruby Kapil