Forum Discussion

WadeMyers1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Calculating for Nexus

Part of the rules associated with taxes (when selling products or services to other states) requires that you evaluate whether or not you have a nexus with the particular state which you are doing business with.

My goal would be to build a table with all 52 states listed and have a simple check box next to any state where you have a nexus, and then associate it with customers, and use the information to feed down into quotes.

so, for example if I have 6 customer total and 3 customers are also in Kentucky. The nexus check box next to Kentucky in the states table would be evaluated as true for the 3 customers.

So, the first thing I need is a pointer to a stand alone table of US States if anyone has that. The second thing I need is help understanding how I would compare just the State sub field of the Address field of my Customers table.

  • I'm pretty sure I need a many to one relationship, one state to many customers
  • I'm a little foggy on how I set up that relationship and compare it.

Wade Myers
  • Regarding the stand-alone table, I'd suggest just google-ing List of US States and you should be able to find something you can copy/import into Quickbase.

    Next, the relationship. Once you have your States table created, set the State Name as the key field. Next, create a relationship to the Customers table where the State is the Parent. Then, change the new 'Related State' field to a Formula Text field where the formula is just the [Address: State/Region] field. Finally, in the relationship, bring over your 'Nexus' field as a Lookup.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • WadeMyers1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks to all.  That was very easy to set up.


      Wade C. Myers, C.E.O.

      LightSpeed PM

      Office - (502) 653-7410 | Cell - (502) 529-6145

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      Certified Partners with:

      Quest Software, One Identity, Optimiz, Dell, SmartBear, Arcturus

      Certified on – Cage Code 87NX5


  • Wade, I decided to try your table & related data, though I'm not a CPA or accounting person. But Iiked Blake's response & need the practice with relations in QB.

    I found a .csv link (actually I copied and pasted, so see my two images because you will probably want to change 2 or 3 fields data types). If you don't want the GPS coordinates you can take out, though much of my work is geographic, so I left them in.

    Note the 4th field I changed the type form #record to text. Not sure if I could have left this as #record as this is the unique and key field? This data has District of Columbia & Puerto Rico, so it is also 52 states as I believe you want. 


    Bob T.
    • WadeMyers1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks, both of you. I'll be looking this over probably tomorrow. My primary customer is doing a major migration so I'm being asked for a lot of validation info that will take my time. I just wanted to state that so you don't think I'm being unresponsive.


      Thanks again!


      Wade C. Myers, C.E.O.

      LightSpeed PM

      Office - (502) 653-7410 | Cell - (502) 529-6145

      Email - | Website -


      Certified Partners with:

      Quest Software, One Identity, Optimiz, Dell, SmartBear, Arcturus

      Certified on – Cage Code 87NX5