Forum Discussion

RameshSingh's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Calendar Report


I need help with quickbase calendar report. I currently have a field called start date which has list of companies. I have a another field called frequency which is multiple choice field consisting of daily weekly semi-monthly and monthly. I want to have calendar show the records which falls in the freqency range from start date. Can it be achieved in quickbase?

  • I am currently working on an app where we want to do a CALENDAR REPORT based on the start date and frequency. This seems kind of unachievable on my part. I tried this formula for the occurrence based on the start date but somehow it displays wrong data. 
    If([Frequency] = "Daily",
        ToText([Start Date]),
        If([Frequency] = "Weekly",
            ToText(ToDate(Month([Start Date]) & "-" & ToText(DayOfWeek([Start Date]) + 7) & "-" & Year([Start Date]))),
            If([Frequency] = "Semi Monthly",
                ToText(ToDate(Month([Start Date]) & "-" & If(Day([Start Date]) > 15, "01", "16") & "-" & Year([Start Date]))),
                If([Frequency] = "Monthly",
                    ToText(ToDate(Month([Start Date]) + 1 & "-01-" & Year([Start Date]))),
    Could you please provide some insights?

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      When you have a simply table report with say a single record in the whole table, there is no formula you can write will magically make a recurring set of multiple records.

      A calendar report is simply a different format to view records, and so a record will only "start" on the calendar on a single date and not multiple dates.

      I did have a need to do something similar for a client, but I had to set up a Pipeline process to create the future records.  So unless you are willing to get into that complexity, there is no easy way.     

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)