Forum Discussion
- MarkShnierQrew CadetThis formula will put up a thumbnail.
//"" & Dbid () & "/a/r" & //[Record ID#] & "/e6/v0\"height=\"1000\" width=\"1250\" target=_blank/> " &
"<img src =" & Dbid () & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e6/v0\" height=\"300\" width=\"375\" target=_blank />"
note that e6 is the field ID # so change the 6 to whatever your file attachment field ID# is. eg e11 would be for fid 11.
adjust the height and the width of the thumbnail.
If you uncomment out the first two lines you would be able to click it to see a larger thumbnail, but it in neither case does it know how to scale the picture, so probably for full size undistorted viewing it would be best for your users to click on the file attachment file name if they want to see the thumbnail full size.
Don't be adding this thumbnail to large reports and certainly not to the List All report as it takes forever to load when there are hundreds of records. - GenaFells-CurtiQrew TraineeHi Mark,
Thank you for this response! I may be doing someting wrong. I used the following from your formula:
�<img src ="; &
Dbid () & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e8/v0\" height=\"300\" width=\"375\" target=_blank />
I used the new interface.
I put this formula in a report (that has 14 rows).
I created a calculated column in the report; with a field type of URL.
The system is saying there is a syntax error of:
Formula syntax error
A formula must be a valid expression.
�<img src ="; &
Dbid () & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e8/v0/" & height=/"300/" & width=/"375/" & target=_blank /> - MarkShnierQrew CadetTry adding a closing " quote. I missed that in my copy and paste.
- GenaFells-CurtiQrew TraineeIt's still failing.
Formula syntax error
There are extra characters beyond the end of the formula.
"<img src ="; ; &
Dbid () & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e8/v0\" height=\"300\" width=\"375\" target=_blank />" - MarkShnierQrew Cadet"<img src=\""; & Dbid () & "/a/r" &
[Record ID#] & "/e6/v0\" height=\"300\" width=\"375\" target=_blank />"
The above is what is working for me. In your post above, I am seeing some semi colons just after the "up/" Are they really there? If so, they don't belong there. - GenaFells-CurtiQrew TraineeHi Mark,
I copied and pasted again - to make sure i didn't miss anything - and I am no longer receiving the error (hurdle 1 - accomplished). :)
Pasted formula is:
//""; & Dbid () & "/a/r" &
//[Record ID#] & "/e8/v0\"height=\"1000\" width=\"1250\" target=_blank/> " &
"<img src ="; &
Dbid () & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e8/v0\" height=\"300\" width=\"375\" target=_blank />"
However, the image doesn't appear in the report. The report shows a url instead. When clicked, it takes me to the following url that doesn't resolve. Example:
It seems to be adding extraneous info in the beginning (http://%3cimg%20src%20=%20) and spacers in the end, Is there something additional I need to do? - MarkShnierQrew CadetClick the checkbox on the field properties to enable HTML. :)
- GenaFells-CurtiQrew Trainee:) I was trying to do it as a calculated column in the report - and not an actual field.
I will work to add it as a field. :) thanks for all of your assistance :) - GenaFells-CurtiQrew TraineeIt works! thx.
- PatPatQrew TraineeIs it possible to do the same thing only for a video file instead? Is there an html tag for embedding video?