Forum Discussion

KellyLyons1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Can I add and edit a date field from a parent table on a child table (on the form)

I would like to be able edit a date field in a parent table ( Patient table) from several different child tables as well as enter account notes from my child tables (tables names are estimate and invoice) in my App.  I know I cannot edit a look up field so I am trying to figure out how to add various fields from my parent tables (Patients table) to my forms/table in the above child tables.  

I have the table relationships built, and have tried many ways, but just cannot figure this out. 

Currently, I have to leave the child table to go to the parent table and/or another child table to edit various fields.  

Any ideas I can try out?


Kelly Lyons
  • I usually accomplish this by making a custom button that says something like 'Edit Parent Details'.

    Then on the parent I create a new form with only the fields on it that I want them to be editing at that time.

    Back on the child, simply make the button open up a small popup window in edit mode on the new form, on the parent record. To be extra slick you can use a code page that will auto close the pop up when done editing. If you want to go the extra mile I can lead you to those directions.

    Mike Tamoush
  • One way is to create a sort of temporary field on the child table and then trigger an Automation or a Pipeline to write that data back up to the parent record.

    But a better way is to create a Report Link field to display selected fields from the Parent as an embedded report right on the child table.  So edit the child and set the Form to allow the embedded report to go into grid edit mode. The the workflow is to update the parent in grid edit (it will be a one record report) and save.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • KellyLyons1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hi Mark,

      So if I am understanding this, I would:

      1 - Create a report in the parent table (patients table) to include the fields I would like to edit from the child record.

      2 - I would then embed this report directly onto the child form in the table/tables I want to be able to do this from?  (See image below "embedded on est child table)

      3 - Then in the child table I would have a field set up (similar to the image attached "form field properties")  - this will then have the workflow update the parent record from the grit edits done above.

      Did I miss any steps??

      "But a better way is to create a Report Link field to display selected fields from the Parent as an embedded report right on the child table.  So edit the child and set the Form to allow the embedded report to go into grid edit mode. The the workflow is to update the parent in grid edit (it will be a one record report) and save."

      Kelly Lyons
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        1. The report you create will be unfiltered (just a reminder) 
        2. You will create a field of type Report Link on the child table,  and configure the left field as Related Parent, and the right field by navigating to the app and then the parent table and locating [Record ID#].
        3. Then add the Report link to the form and set the report to use. Set the form property for the Report link field to be Editable.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)