Forum Discussion

ByronDeane's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Can I auto-create a subsequent record when adding a new record, given certain data driven circumstances?

I'm using a calendar report to allow customers to reserve equipment. Each equipment has it's own calendar report, and customers can see what time slots are booked (or available) during the day/week and then use the "ADD" link in the calendar report to book time for themselves. One particular piece of equipment needs an hour downtime following a reservation when it is used for specific purpose, for cleaning/preparation. So, I was wonder if a new record could be automatically created to block off an hour following the reservation for that specific equipment when that specific purpose is selected on the Add form.

2 Replies

  • No problem, ACTIONS to the rescue.

    ACTIONS are what I like to call Webhooks for Dummies, and that is a good thing because the previous method for simple automated functions like yours was to set up a Webhook, which is much more complicated.

    Post back if you get stuck.  You will need to have a formula field(s) to calculate, for example, the start date and time of the next meeting so you can auto populate those fields on the reservation.
  • Thank you!  I'll give it a whirl and let you know if I get stuck!