Forum Discussion

DianeSinawi1's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Can I let users add values from child table into embedded report in parent table form?

I have a parent table "Controls" used for SOC 2 compliance. I have a child table "Evidences" listing all evidences that are used during audits, with a special numbering system. Each Control can have many Evidences used for that Control, and some Evidences are used across multiple Controls.

My goal is to be able to assign 1 or more Evidences to each Control, and have the Evidence fields display in the parent Control record.

I thought I could setup an embedded report within the Controls form where we can select Evidences to be listed within the embedded report in the Control, but I'm not finding any option to select from existing records in a child table. We don't need to add new Evidence records from within the Control from, we can do that directly in Evidences table.

I would like to select each Evidence by its special number, and have the other evidence fields autopopulate into the embedded report.

Is this possible and how would I do it? Thank you!

Parent Control form:

Child table:

Diane Sinawi
  • Does an evidence only have one parent?  ie, Once an evidence is used on a particular parent can it be used again on a different parent?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • DianeSinawi1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Evidences only have the one parent table of Controls, but each evidence can be assigned to multiple Control records.

      Diane Sinawi
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        You will need to have a new structure for your relationships.
        You are saying that One Control has Many Evidences.
        But also one Evidence can be used on many Controls.

        So you need to have a middle join table of "Control Evidences".

        Then when you go to add an "Evidence" to a control, you will actually be adding a Control Evidence record.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)