Forum Discussion

KarlKarl's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Can I make the endpoint for a Webhook that is updating another table with a relative table name instead of table id??

I am using a webhook on a source table to update a record in another table in the same app.  It's working fine, but I have the endpoint table ID hard coded; e.g.  When I copy the application I don't want to update all my webhooks with the new tableid.  How can I make this dynamic so the endpoint uses a relative table id based on table name?

2 Replies

  • If you're referring to the endpoint URL when you say hard-coded, you're in luck! To make your webhook configuration "portable" so it survives an application copy, you're going to want to make use of the "fields and markers" to the right of the endpoint URL field to build the endpoint using specific markers from the app.

    In the sample below, your just replacing the manual part of your URL with markers for your "Realm Name" and the appropriate "Table ID"

    **Note that a marker is enclosed in two percentage signs. I've made the non-markers in the example below bold characters, and underscored the markers to help you change them out in your own Webhook config.

    Now if you were to copy the app, (and even if you transfer it to a completely different Quick Base account) the webhook will look to its environment and inherit the realm and DBID dynamically.

    Hope that helps!
  • Thanks for the reply.  In the example you give isn't the %dbid% the table the current webhook is associated to?  I'm trying to to use the id of a different table that I'm doing a POST for API_EditRecord.  The table name is users, so I was thinking it would be something like but that doesn't work.