Forum Discussion

PrashantMaheshw's avatar
Qrew Captain
3 years ago

Can JSON handler in Pipeline create multiple record ?

I've a simple JSON file, I'm able to use JSON handler in pipeline but it only 1 creates 1 record which clubs all values it has iterated . Is it possible instead to create multiple records with 1 value each

VALUE : {{b.raw_record["Sub"]}}

      "File": [

  "Sub": [
      "File": [
      "File": [
  "sl": "Bhaiya"

Prashant Maheshwari
  • HI Prashant;
    I think you are missing JSON Records Path. I am not sure if you want it to create for each Sub or File or any thing else. JSON Records Path for each file will be something like:


    If the Sub is child of another one you need to add that in front:


    Also, I think this is how you need to use values:


    I hope this helps.

    Razi D.
    Desta Tech LLC
    • PrashantMaheshw's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Thank you Razi . I was indeed missing JSON Records Path

      Below solved my problem !


      Prashant Maheshwari