Yes, sadly we do have multiple admins with a specific order for approval (1 DIVISION HEAD (there are 4 total but only one is needed per request based on DIVISION), 1 COURSE MANAGER, 1 ACADEMIC OFFICER, 1 ASSOCIATE HEAD, AND 1 DEPARTMENT HEAD - in this approval order). Attached is screenshot of my tables/relationships. Yours looks like it might be easier.
Below is the whole process I need to capture if it helps.
I need to build a faculty leaves app, where faculty can enter leave information on a form (first name, last name, school_id, email, division, leave type, semester of leave, year of leave, year of previous leave, leave start date, leave end date, leave plans, funding sources, and status (pending approval, rejected, or approved). Multiple administrators (1 DIVISION HEAD (there are 4 total but only one is needed per request based on DIVISION), 1 COURSE MANAGER, 1 ACADEMIC OFFICER, 1 ASSOCIATE HEAD, AND 1 DEPARTMENT HEAD - in this approval order) will need to grant their approval to each leave request before the status changes to "approved". When a submission is made via the leaves form (leaves form record created), it will then create a notification email that will go out to all administrators (the DIVISION HEAD depending on which DIVISION was entered into form, 1 COURSE MANAGER, 1 ACADEMIC OFFICER, 1 ASSOCIATE HEAD, AND 1 DEPARTMENT HEAD) stating there is a submission that is pending approval. Also create an email sent to administrators listing which requests they still need to approve.