Forum Discussion

VivekVishwanat2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Capturing Sync error history

Hi All,
* I have created a Google Drive Sync table;
* created a button to let NonAdmins to click and Manually refresh data.-->Placed on Dashboard
* In case of errors while loading the CSV file, Is there a way to show the errors to the NonAdmins?

1. Can we show this information to Non-Admins in any possible way?


Vivek Vishwanath
Hyderabad, India
+91 8185868789
  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    How are you calling the refresh? I have done this in the past with a JavaScript code page and had good success. I created a button that calls the below code in that page along with the Replication ID. Replication ID is numeric and 5 digits long, at least all mine are. I found this by watching network traffic when clicking the button.

    After a user clicks the button on my page it hides the buttons(to prevent many clicks) and then waits for a response to the post. If the response is anything other than 2, it failed.

    function refreshCall(repID){ $.post(""+repID, function(data) { console.log(data); }).then(function(data){ window.myData = data; if(myData.currentRefresh.status != 2){ alert("An error message here.") } else { alert("Refresh was successful!") } }); }​

    (I tried adding this as a code block of JavaScript and this forum ruined it at least on my end... sorry. Adding a screenshot of the formatted code to better help but leaving the text too just in case you see it correctly formatted.)

    I cannot post all my code but hopefully this can push you in the right direction? I don't know of another way to grab the return message without using JavaScript. 

    You should be able to pull out more than just a fail or not in the response, the status is not the only thing returned. All I personally cared about was if it failed and to present a nice message to them, not to grab the actual fail message. Hopefully this is helpful.