Forum Discussion
- MarkShnier__You
Qrew Legend
There is not a way to have a cascading behaviour when you use a multi select field. This is only possible when you have proper relationships. You will need to have a Master table of states and then a Master related table of child Medicaid contracts.
Then on your transactions table you will also have relationship for one state has many transaction records and one Medicaid contract has many transaction records. But on that latter relationship he will set the reference field to be conditional that once you have chosen the state on the transaction to only show Medicaid contracts for that state.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You
Qrew Legend
I will respond to your message here ion BOLD
Message From: Lashell Thomas
This make sense - let me added a little more detail.
The won't get to select the state directly.
I have a staff table and they are assigned to a state in the table. OK
the staff table would have the relationship to the transactions table - they would choose the staff member and the related state would automatically show and then I want the Medicaid contracts for that to show with the option to multi-select. OK
It does not matter how the state gets selected / populated just so long as it is populated before the drop-down for the Medicaid contract is populated.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You
Qrew Legend
I will respond to your direct message here in BOLD
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Message From: Lashell Thomas
If it helps - I know how to set-up a cascading drop-down with the tables already.
The part i am stuck on is if i can use a multi-select field for the Medicaid Contracts instead of a the default lookup field. The normal cascading drop-down only allows one value to be picked.The CDD Conditional Drop down only work when selecting one choice from a relationship. It does not work in a multi select field type. You would have to set up a mini to mini relationship where one transaction has many Medicaid contracts and one Medicaid contract get used on many transactions. If that data entry is too slow a method to be adding the child records then you could email me to my email address directly and we could discuss a development project to allow you to quickly select child records to add for the transaction Medicaid contracts.
Mark Shnier (YQC)