Forum Discussion

AleksandarSalap's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

CC in email notification?

I've read several topics on the subject that are couple of years old and hoped something's changed in the meantime...

Among other tables we have Action Item that we will be using for informing users of action items to be taken. We want to be informed of any email sent to various users as well.

Is there a direct way to add CC to any email sent in notifications? Or at least some workaround to this?

This potential issue could cause us big problems down the road.

Thank you very much.

3 Replies

  • So, the only way that I've been able to solve for this is to create a series of Roles, and then set a notification to fire, per each role. 
    As an example, I have Sales Teams which consist of a Team Lead, a (or many) Sales Reps, and a (or many) Account Managers.
    When a notification goes out based on triggered actions in the record, I had to set a notification to go out for each role.
    It's cumbersome, and I would hope that a CC option either is, or will become available soon.  But for now, this has been my work around.

    Hope it helps.

  • Thank you for your reply, Mike.

    My situation is little different. There are Product Managers that each has it's own Action Items. They will get notification of them, I would like to be informed of each mail they receive as well.

    Not every Product Manager has the same action item, that's where my problem differs from yours.

    It's quite strange and surprising that what seems as fairly easy and necessary option to be present - is missing.
  • Hi Alexsandar,

    One way to do this is to copy each of your existing notifications (so that you maintain all the same criteria and email set up) and change just the notify whom to yourself. This way you get an exact copy of the notifications that go out to your Product Managers, but instead of being broken up like they normally are they all come to you. This way you get email notifications under the same conditions with the same look and you can audit your notifications separate from your existing notifications to the Product Managers.