CODE DUMP: Email Help Button for Top Right Corner (that grabs page url)
Have you ever had the email come across desperately crying out for help because "... the QuickBase App is broken..." as you stare at 45 separate apps wondering if they could try to be more vague... Well here is a button that can help. I use it on a bunch of my Apps and it auto emails me with the url of the exact page the user is on. It has been a god-send for me, and I wanted to share it with you all here, instead of doing a whole Empower presentation on it.
First create a html page. I creatively named mine 'TicketPage.html'. Then throw in this code (replace what you need to with your own information)
(This code has been updated to reflect the missing '?' after the destination email as pointed out by @Tim D below.)
<!DOCTYPE html>
let oldUrl = document.referrer;
var oldTable = oldUrl.substring(oldUrl.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
var newBody = oldTable+'testin';
function handleonload() {" describe your problem below %26 attach screenshots to this email.%0D%0A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%0D%0ADESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM%3A%20%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%0D%0APlease make sure that the Ticket Fields below are filled out correctly%3A%0D%0A---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%0D%0AQUICK BASE APP%3A%20APP%20NAME%0D%0ALINK TO PROBLEM%3A%20"+oldUrl+"%0D%0A", "_blank");
function ticket(){
<body onload="ticket()">
"+oldTable+"%0D%0A%0D%0AURL%3A%20"+oldUrl+"%0D%0A%0D%0ADESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM%3A%20", "_blank");
function ticket(){
This is your email body. This is what will populate in a new email when the user clicks on the help button.
Next we make the button!
Then click the link icon to the right of the Right Element logo url. This opens up the Right Element Hyperlink.
Paste in the following, replacing the info with your own information.
Now save it all and you should see your new help icon at the top right corner of your app.
I hope this can help a few of you out there.
Meredith Moore