Forum Discussion

SaviNewman1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 months ago

Conditional Between 2 Tables.


I was addressed with something I am not familiar with.

My colleague would like to have the following:

A red flag to appear when something is not uploaded.

The breakdown:

We have 1 table, that has all of our information on. It is called "Water Systems". And it has any and all information pertaining to that specific water system.

We have another table called "Documents" and this table allows us to display documents on the "Water Systems" pages. 

I was asked to have a Red Flag displayed when a document is NOT uploaded to the water system, so we can see that we need to take action. 

We have paper reports we upload each month to the documents for each water system, sometimes, a month will get missed for a specific water system and we miss it too, because we manage so many water systems across the state. 

Is there a way to make a red flag when a document is not uploaded to the water system one month? 

Newman, Savi
  • Using your relationship you can add a summary field that counts the # document that meet the condition that you want. That condition could be something like uploaded in the last 30 days and is of type ____ as an example. Then in your water system, you can make a checkbox, or formula rich text that checks if that # is 0, and you know it doesn't have a document uploaded yet. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • SaviNewman1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      That's a great idea, how do I get the condition to be 30 days? I am new to that area of things.

      Newman, Savi
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Ultimately depends on your exact use case, but you could add a filter in matching criteria and do it based on Date Created during the last 30 days or current month (screenshot below of what the options might look like). 

        You might use the current month in opposition to 30 days to make sure that something is uploaded for this particular month - otherwise the 30 day mark will work. If you have a different date field you can also use that instead of date created. 

        Chayce Duncan