Forum Discussion

ErikaBrown's avatar
Qrew Member
11 months ago

Conditional Values - Reference Fields


I have position field that is based on a selection in my department field. I'm running into an issue with the display of my position field. When I click on Department, the list of positions for that department show, however, when I select the position name, the value displays blank.

This is only happening for certain positions. I've tested and around 80% of the position names show when selected and the others do not. 

I've attached a few screenshots. 

Erika Brown

7 Replies

  • Erika,  I know that you are working on new forms and I'm more familiar with old forms so I will give you an old forms answer. Hopefully it's the same my new forms. You should be able to take note of the report which is used to drive that drop down. It will be a property of the form. It will either be the record picker report or an actual report. Regardless of which one it is when viewing a record in edit mode what will show up in that field is going to be the very first field on either the record pickers that you have selected in the advanced properties for the table or else it will be the first column of the report that you have designated to be used for the drop-down list. Check to make sure that is the correct field because perhaps it is showing a field which is blank on some records.  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ErikaBrown's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hi Mark, I'm wondering if this is a bug in the new forms. I tried this out in the old forms and it's working perfectly. I tested the steps you suggested, and some values are still showing blank while other are not. 

      Erika Brown
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        I agree.   It sound like a support ticket.  We would all be delighted if you would post back with what they tell you.  

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)