Forum Discussion

NateKurtz's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Conditional Values based on unrelated fields

I have the following relationships

Manufacturer ----->Model




Assets---------------->Ticket Assets

Tickets--------------->Ticket Assets

What I would like to do is use several lookup fields to filter and select the Asset I want to make my Related Asset when creating a Ticket Asset. Right now I can make the Asset conditional on the Model, and the Model conditional on the Manufacturer, however as the Location is not directly related to Manufacturer and Model I can't also filter by Location.  Any suggestions on how to do this?  

To sum up what i actually need to happen out of this:

I need to have a way of finding and selecting an asset that has a specific location, manufacturer, and model (this would bring back a group of them).  I would then pick one at random to associate to my ticket asset. Then when I close my ticket I have an automation run that moves the location of the asset out of that list so our inventory is accurate.  This seems like a really simple thing that i can't seem to get past.  

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

Nate Kurtz

2 Replies

  • So, you'll need to set relationships for Location, Manufacturer, and Model to the Ticket Assets first. Then, you'll need to create a formula field on both the Ticket Asset and the Assets that concatenates the Reference Fields for Manufacturer, Model, and Location. Once you have this, you can set the Conditional Drop-down to use the Formulas on both tables as the matching parameter.

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • NateKurtz's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      That does the trick!  Thank you!

      Nate Kurtz