Forum Discussion

IvanWeiss's avatar
Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Contact Hierarchy not pulling projects from multiple levels

I have posted recently about needing to create an organization hierarchy for clients so that I can pull the projects their direct reports are on and all the way down the hierarchy.  So for example a top level Division President may have Regional VP's reporting to him/her.  When I look at the Div President contact I need to see the RVP projects also.  I have that working fine.

The RVP's have District Manager's (DM's) reporting to them.  The RVP contact page shows the DM projects without an issue.

However, the Division President should also show the DM's so it funnels up through multiple levels. 

I am associating people with projects through a "Project Members" table which is a relationship between the contacts table.  How do I get it to pull multiple levels?

I am in a test copy of my app now and here are the steps i followed to create the setup I have thus far

New Feature Log


Contact Hierarchy

  • Create a Relationship: Contact can have many contacts
  • Lookup Fields: First Name, Last Name, Full Name, Company Name
  • Make the proxy field conditional on company name
  • Rename all fields to be Direct Report
  • Add Direct Report field to Form
  • Change Record Picker to Display Full Name
  • Change Project List Header to read Contact's Direct Projects
  • Create Report Link Field titled: Contact's Team's Projects
    • Map Record ID to Project Members: Related Direct Report
    • On the form realign it to be below the other projects
    • Change both project reports to use Embedded for Contacts
  • Make section heading all all reports in this form viewable in edit or view mode



Two issues

When in view mode it shows the Direct Report as a record id.  In edit mode it shows full name.  Need it to always show the name.

I need it to pull up through various levels.  So a SVP needs to pull a VP and a DM

Ivan Weiss
  • Any luck with anyone viewing this?

    Ivan Weiss
  • EricMohlman's avatar
    Quickbase Staff

    Regarding your two issues:
    • It seems like you're using the reference field, and not the reference proxy field, on your form. If you utilize the reference proxy instead it should follow the behavior you expect
    • I see two possible solutions here
        • This type of setup would allow you to select the various people from your contacts table directly on the Project form, and set what their role/title/position would be within that project. It would also allow you to summarize their details together and get a combined list of users associated with each project if that's important
        • This type of setup would allow you on each DM to have a relationship for their VP, another for their SVP, etc. and whenever you select the DM on a project all of those other positions could come through the relationship as lookup fields

    Eric Mohlman
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Eric, can you clarify where you are talking about the reference field vs reference field proxy?  Is that the report link or...?

      Ivan Weiss
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Just to clarify in the report link I am matching Record ID# to Project Members:Contact - Related Direct Report

      If I understand that right, that is not the proxy...

      Ivan Weiss
      • EricMohlman's avatar
        Quickbase Staff

        No, I'm not referring to anything with the report link field. 

        Here's a picture of a relationship from one of the Exchange applications. You can see that the Related Project is marked as the Reference field and the Project Name is marked as the Reference Proxy field.

        Eric Mohlman