Forum Discussion

BobThomas1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Contract start date is not completely sorted by latest date.

I am working on improving my company's Quickbase Contracts App. So in looking at the latest Contracts, sorting by latest 'Start Date' I am showing data sorted into monthly periods, which are sorting properly. But as you can see from the three contracts started in January 2022, they are not in descending order, with the middle one in between two other contracts with earlier dates.  (see picture) I have verified descending starting dates.

Bob T.
  • You will need to add another sort, see the picture below:

    Sean Connaughton
    • BobThomas1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Sean, this is what I get when I check the field properties of the 'Start Date' field. Maybe because the data is in groups by month/year. I don't see an option to add another sort?

      Bob T.
      • SeanConnaughto1's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Hi Bob,

        To get the sorting options, you will need to do a few steps:

        1. Navigate to the report you wish to adjust
        2. Click on "Customize this report" (Top right of screen)
        3. Scroll down to "Sorting and Grouping" (Near the bottom)

        4. Once you make the changes, click save in the top right of your screen

        I hope that helps!

        Sean Connaughton