Forum Discussion

NateKurtz's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Contract Year Formula

I am running into a wall trying to site a formula that kicks out the contract year.  So basically i want it to check the date of a job [Job Start Date] and tell me what year of the contract it is taking place 1 thru 7. Contract started mid September so i can't use a calendar year but instead need to make a range (for example is it < 9/15/2021 but >9/15/2020.

  • I think that this works

    var date AdjustYearToCalendarYear = AdjustMonth([Job Start Date],-8)-Days(14);
    var date AnchorDate = Date(2017,1,1);
    Year($AdjustYearToCalendarYear) - Year($AnchorDate) +1

    The formula basically adjusts the job start date backward by 8 months and 14 days to normalize it to a normal January 1st year and then is able to just subtract the year from the Year of the Anchor Date.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • Are you trying to say that you have a fiscal year that starts in August?  What are the dates for your fiscal year.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • NateKurtz's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      The Contract year (which confusingly is different from the fiscal year) started on 9/15/2017 then goes every year from there.  So 9.15.2017-9.14.2018 is year 1 then 9.15.2018-9.14.2019 is year 2 and so on.

      Nate Kurtz
    • NateKurtz's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      This is what i have so far:

      If(Year([Job Start Date])<=2018, If(Month([Job Start Date])<=9, If(Day([Job Start Date])<=14,1,
      If(Year([Job Start Date])<=2019, If(Month([Job Start Date])<=9, If(Day([Job Start Date])<=14,2,
      If(Year([Job Start Date])<=2020, If(Month([Job Start Date])<=9, If(Day([Job Start Date])<=14,3,
      If(Year([Job Start Date])<=2021, If(Month([Job Start Date])<=9, If(Day([Job Start Date])<=14,4,
      If(Year([Job Start Date])<=2022, If(Month([Job Start Date])<=9, If(Day([Job Start Date])<=14,5,
      If(Year([Job Start Date])<=2023, If(Month([Job Start Date])<=9, If(Day([Job Start Date])<=14,6,
      If(Year([Job Start Date])<=2024, If(Month([Job Start Date])<=9, If(Day([Job Start Date])<=14,7, 0)))))))))))))))))))))

      but it doesn't seem  to be  working for me.

      Nate Kurtz
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        .. tied up in EMPOWER today, so I will respond after EMPOWER.  I think that there is an elegant solution to adjust the date backwards to normalize to a normal year and then just subtract the Year from the current year.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach