Forum Discussion

JamieOwens_Knig's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Copy Master Detail Loop Error

I'm getting the Copy Master Detail does not allow looping relationships error when attempting to use it.

I have an app that has audits and audit findings (an audit has many audit findings) and I'm importing the audit findings (essentially these are the questions).  I have several of these buttons that show and import certain questions based on the answer to what class is being audited. For example, if GSC class is chosen in the Class drop down, the Import GSC Questions button appears.

There is not a looped relationship and this error is only occurring on one class; all my other classes import just fine. Why would I be getting this error on this button/class only? The field properties are exactly the same as any other import button. Below is the formula that was generated when I created the button:

Jamie Owens-Knight

1 Reply

  • I discovered the issue ... there was a duplicate report link field and the report link field ID# was in the formula field along with the original report link field ID#. It read like this:
    "javascript:void(copyMasterDetailButtonHandler('&relfids=35, 218&recurse=false&sourceRID=780&destride=" & [Record ID#] & " ', 'bp9hebj9r'))"​

    The 35 and 218 were what was causing the loop error. I deleted 218 as a field​ (the duplicate report link field) and received an error that the field with id 218 isn't a report link so I instantly knew that was the issue. I then removed the 218 from the formula and the button worked again!

    Jamie Owens-Knight