Forum Discussion

SamJones's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Copy Record and New Forms

Hey All,

I'm trying to use the "Copy this [record]" function since creating a new style form. 

When I return to an old style form, and click the button from under the More menu, I get routed to the selected record but on the new form. 

I tried creating a formula URL button to get around this function, but the formula URL button has the same issue.

Any suggestions? Is this a known bug?

Sam Jones
  • Technically it's not a bug, it's just a feature that does not yet exist on new forms.

    The only way to do it for now would be to use a URL which would switch the form to an old form. 

    I could probably mess around and suggest a Rich text formula field using SaveBeforenavigating but you would need to land the user on an old form, get them to save the record and then have the URL reopen the record for editing on the new form.  


    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)

    • MichaelRose's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Copy Record is entirely broken with New Forms. The workaround is to create a URL button to direct to an "interstitial" old form, direct the user to save the record when they will then be redirected to the new form.

      The problem (or bug) seems to be that field values are not copied unless the field is present and editable on the interstitial copy form regardless of the setting present in the field's properties. So then a workaround for this condition becomes necessary which is to create (or use the existing) old form containing all of the fields you want copied and set them to editable in order to create a record that can be used by the New Form. It's workarounds all the way down.

      Sure would like to know where the proper fix for Copy Record is on the roadmap. This seems like an easy problem to solve which is simply too low on the priority list. 

      Michael Rose

    • SamJones's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Oh, the bug is that when I go back to the old form, I'm routed to the new form instead of creating a copy. I deleted the new form and the issue was resolved. 

      I tried creating a URL button to go back to the old form, and another URL button to directly call the CopyRecord function, both had the same issue. It seems that viewing a record on a table with a new form gets the &page=1 parameter added regardless.

      Sam Jones
  • Do we have a solution for this?  I think I just burned myself by deploying a whole set of the new forms only to have the users start complaining because they can't copy records anymore.   
    Jeff Peterson

    • MichaelRose's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      It's fixed now. In New Forms, in View Mode, "Duplicate this Record... " is now in the 3-dot menu, top right.

      The option does not show up in Edit Mode. Subtle distinction especially if users are accustomed to viewing everything in Edit Mode (like me).

      Michael Rose
      • JeffPeterson1's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Is this a setting I have to turn on?  All I see is spacing controls under the 3 dot menu:

        Jeff Peterson