Forum Discussion

GeorgeBramhall2's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Counting weekend days in a span of start/end dates

I am trying to write a formula that provides a number of weekend days in a span of a start to end date. e.g from 4/1/2023 to 4/23/2023 there are 8 weekend days. I want a formula that solves this for any Start and End date.

George Bramhall
  • Try this
    ToDays([End Date] - [Start Date])-WeekdaySub([End Date], [Start Date])

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • GeorgeBramhall2's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      I put in start date of 5/24/2023 and an end date of 5/29/2023 and I got a result of 3 with your formula. Shouldn't the result have been 2?

      George Bramhall