Forum Discussion

40711's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 months ago

Predecessor Field option doesn't give Start/End date field options

Any idea why I'm getting this weird behavior when trying to add a start date field to a predecessor field? A transparent circle with a shadow shows up, but no date options (and I definitely have date fields):


  • This functionality works with a field type called Work Dates.  So the Dates in the app need to be that field type.  Once you have at least one field with if of that type, then it will offer up choices for them as Predecessors.

    When used properly, this functionality is super powerful. 

    Tip:  If for example these are being used for the Typical "One Project has many Tasks" type setup, then you want to have Template Projects as the setting up of the Predecessors is somewhat painful, in terms of of the data entry as to  which tasks are dependent on which predecessor tasks.  The template projects and tasks need to be just a specially flagged project and tasks, not in a separate table from your tasks table for the copy master detail to work..

    But then once you invest the time to get the Template right, when you use the native wizard button to copy Parent Child or use an API call, the results are amazingly powerful.