Forum Discussion
Hello Aaron, I was able to do this with the help of a couple of pages of code and a table to control the status of the pipeline execution. But it is not a functionality that exists in quickbase.
Marcelo Benavides Torres
Marcelo Benavides
Thanks for affirming this Marcelo.
Aaron B
- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
What specifically do you have the Pipeline doing? If you're able to go the code page route per Marcelo's comment - you can instead just have the code page handle the record creation and redirect to the new record upon completion. The Quickbase API will return the new record ID and a simple window.location.replace will take you there.
If the Pipeline is more complex and doing more than just creating the record you may need something more elegant, but if it's just an add record and redirect you can consider getting rid of the pipeline in favor of a simple code page.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- AaronB2 years agoQrew Trainee
Hi Chayce.
The pipeline gets triggered when a "Clone Data" formula URL button on a form gets pressed. The pipeline:
- Duplicates that record (i.e. Create Record, copying all data fields)
- Finds all child records (in another table) of the original record and also recreates them, associating them with the newly created parent record.
I already call a code page that simply pops up to tell the user a new record has been created but my API call skills are 'kindergarten level' at best so I have stuck with having the pipeline do the dirty work for now.
If you have a sample API call for:- Creating a new record
- Filling new/blank fields with data from the calling record
- Opening that new record in a form
......that would be a good start down this road. I'd deal with creating the child cloned records separately (probably in their own pipeline)
Aaron B
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
Out of curiosity - have you looked into the copymasterdetail feature that Quickbase provides natively? If the intent is to do an exact copy of a parent and associated children - that would be perfect here given that when you leverage their built in button it will natively give you a little pop up to take the user to the new record. CopyMasterDetail is ideal if you're copying everything and then making small changes. If you're doing a kind of partial copy where you copy and then remove a bunch of fields to clear the template it's not as ideal then.
Wanted to check first before I provided a different response.
Chayce Duncan
- MarceloBenavide2 years agoQrew Cadet
Little video, The button executes a pipeline with many steps (complex) and even when the pipeline is finished I do the redirection.
Marcelo Benavides
------------------------------- AaronB2 years agoQrew Trainee
Wow! That's impressive. Thanks for sharing.
Aaron B