Forum Discussion

MrunaliKadam's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Create formula to concatenate columns and keep appending new data

In this report, multiple users will be adding a comment for each record.  Last column will save the historical comment data. This column is a concatenation of first 5 columns and keep appending data whenever any new user save comment. I want to create a formula to automatically update the last column.

 Can this be done in QuickBase? Please advise. 

Comment Date Added by user Delegate ID Delegate Name Comment Summary
Added new column to the DB 3/23/2022 Mrunali 123 John Added new table to the DB 3/21/2022 [Deb] 356 Priya]
Added new column to the DB 3/23/2022 [Mrunali] [123 John]

Mrunali Kadam
  • It sounds like you just want to concatenate several fields together.

    List("\n ",
    [Added by User],
    List(" ", [Delegate ID] & [Delegate Name])

    If the [added by User] is a User field then it would have to be wrapped like this


    if [Delegate ID] is a numeric field, the it will have to also be wrapped

    ToText([Delegate ID])

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • MrunaliKadam's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      It helps! Thank you Mark!

      Can we write formula to keep appending new data one after another? (see below screenshot)
      Multiple users will be adding comment for each record. Current formula concatenates as expected but it refreshes data if we change user field or comment etc. 
      If user1 saves any comment and then user2 adds something then would like to see it gets appended to the existing concatenated string. so all comments can be saved in a single cell. 

      Can this be done in QuickBase?

      If not then is there any way to make formula field non-editable? so we can ask user to manually edit this column. 

      Mrunali Kadam
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        If you wanted to keep appending when the record is changed, then you would need to create a multi line text field and set logging on.  Then use an Automation a Pipeline to update it when the record is saved.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)