Forum Discussion

NickCharalambou's avatar
Qrew Cadet
11 months ago

Pipelines and appending / joining

I have a jinja expression that simply compares old to new, and writes to the text field it sits in on the pipeline:

{% set result = "" %}
{% if a.requested_offer_types != a.$prev.requested_offer_types %}
{% set result = result + "Requested Offer Types from " + a.$prev.requested_offer_types + " to " + a.requested_offer_types + "\n" %}
{% endif %}
{{ result }}

The if works however it overwrites the text field.  I want it to append to the text field.

I dont want to use the log function, as I dont need the user and time details


  • OK I have updated as follows as I realised the opening string was incorrect and simply blank.

    However it still not working. 

    {# Capture the initial detail value that is passed into the template #}
    {% set initial_detail = g.detail %}
    {# Initialize a list starting with the initial content of j.detail #}
    {% set messages = [initial_detail] %}
    {# Check if the requested offer types have changed and append a message if true #}
    {% if a.requested_offer_types != a.$prev.requested_offer_types %}
        {# Create a message about the change #}
        {% set message = "Requested Offer Types changed from '" + a.$prev.requested_offer_types + "' to '" + a.requested_offer_types + "'" %}
        {# Append the message to the messages list #}
        {% set _ = messages.append(message) %}
    {% endif %}
    {# Output all accumulated messages, including initial and new ones, separated by new lines #}
    {{ messages | join('\n') }}

    I think the join is wrong.




    • PrashantMaheshw's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      We recently solved something like this when a.$prev didn't work for us. In our case 

      1. Existing field was getting update via incoming webhook
      2. Step 1 , Receive webhook 
      3. Step 2 , Receive the value of existing value (which is what I am detailing here)
      4. Step 3 , Join existing value and webhook value 

        First do a query on

      In my scenario it looked like below
      "from": "{{a.body_params.parentid}}",   --> tableid
      "select": ["{{a.body_params.fid}}"],    --> fid of record you want 
      "where": "{3.EX.{{a.body_params.recordid}}}" }. --> Query you

      This will allow you to 'get' the value of the existing field first. 

      This was stored inside for me

      Then another query doing make request and append value. Hope this makes sense

      As for your actual join , you can trying using ~ to concat like {{ (a.firstname) ~ ' ' ~ (a.lastname) }}

  • Thanks.  I will try that method out, as the method below continues to throw up issues.

    I had some success with the following code but I had to create interactive Pipeline Steps always referencing the last step, so the g.detail (a.detail...b.detail...etc etc).  So for a record save, where I am monitoring 7 fields, I have to have 7 iterative steps.

    {% set result = g.detail if g.detail is not none else "" %}
    {% if a.requested_offer_types != a.$prev.requested_offer_types %}
        {% set prev_req_types = a.$prev.requested_offer_types if a.$prev.requested_offer_types is not none else "unknown" %}
        {% set curr_req_types = a.requested_offer_types if a.requested_offer_types is not none else "unknown" %}
        {% set result = result + "\n" + "Requested Offer Type changed from '" + prev_req_types + "' to '" + curr_req_types + "'" %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ result }}

    The only item type it does not seem to work for are Checkbox's.  I can the the comparative test of old to new to work, but no matter what I do I can form any type of String for the Result.