Forum Discussion
Luckily what you want want is precisely what's been achieved in post below. Don Larson was even kind enough to make it more meaningful .
PS : I hate multi select field for precisely the same reasons.
Prashant Maheshwari
- OanaWhalen2 years agoQrew Cadet
Prashant, this is a brilliant solution! It may be a little more complex of a setup than we want to implement for this application, but will definitely use it to resolve some similar needs. Thank you for sharing!
One question - is there a way to delete selected options with this approach while you are still adding to the list? Is this the reason for the editable text box? I know you could delete the records created via the Pipeline after saving, but wondering if there's a way to remove items before saving the record.
Oana Whalen
------------------------------- PrashantMaheshw2 years agoQrew Captain
HI Oana,
It does looks complex but all it requires 1 Formula Field,1 Text Field,1 Form Rule and pipeline . We've eliminated Multi Select from tonnes of place with the same functionality
To remove items before saving , you can manually edit the text box , formula field with reflect the changes on the same. It's little fidgety but I dont' know a better solution
Prashant Maheshwari