Create Missing Timecards Between Two Dates
I can't see the forest for the trees on this one,
Anyway, we have a requirement to strictly maintain timecards on a weekly basis for several reasons, however, compliance is the crux of all timecard requirements.
Each timecard (parent table) is created by the user, also the timecard owner. Once created, they manage charge codes (child table).
I can discern the number of missing timecards for the current year through Today() with a basic formula (# required timecards) - (# initiated or completed) = missing timecards.
I want my weekly routine in pipelines to create missing week-ending timecards against each employee.
I have 70 plus pipelines, so I'm sure I can build the brunt of the requirement, but I cannot figure out how to squeeze out the missing week-ending dates for each missing timecard for the current year through today.
Thank you so much,