Forum Discussion

StephenMadison's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Create Report from 2 Tablets Parent to Child

I need help creating a report from 2 related tables. Budget and Budget Amendments.

The report i need would be a basic bar graph that will show Budgets Executed and Budget Amendments Executed over the course of 2 fiscal years.  

Currently, a budget can have several amendments, each of those amendments can be executed just like a budget.  The bar graph I need will show a monthly view of the number of budgets that have been executed and the amount of amendments total that have been executed. 

I've created a Summary field that's is all budget amendments where the execution date is not blank but putting this in a report doesn't work right because it doesn't actually get a date from the amendments table.   Can anyone help me with getting this report to work? 

I thought about doing this from the child table but I'm confused on how that would work.  any help would be great.

1 Reply

  • Conceptually I'm not seeing how this can work.  Even if you do the chart off the child table using a chart type "Line and Bar" which can do two different fields to plot. then you still have the problem as to the X axis dates. 

    If the chart is off the child table then you can use the child dates on the X axis, But then even if you were to plot a lookup of the Parent Budget values (and use averages so as not to double / triple count), I'm not seeing a way to use a different date value for the Parent's value.