Forum Discussion

AdamAdam's avatar
Qrew Member
11 years ago

Creating a search box on a form

I have a table called line items that is linked to inventory and I select the inventory by either its supplier part #, company part # or its description. Is there a way to create a box that will search for any of those value in an inventory item and populate some suggestions. I know I can do it for reports but I need it on my form. Any help would be appreciated.

  • This is a native feature.

    You can check the checkbox on the [related item] field Properties

    Use a record picker instead of a drop down menu

    Then I suggest that you specify a report to use for that record picker so that it will search the fields that you want it to search. Set the standard Record Picker fields for the item table to be those fields that you want to search on.
  • Problem solved. Thank you for the quick response it was very helpful!
  • I am trying to do something simiar but I have found that the record picker just takes too long. Is there any way to create a field similar to the record search button (widget) we can use outside on home pages? I want to be able to search and get autocomplete from a products table.
  • QuintenQuinten's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I have the same question as Michael. It would be nice to have a search widget in the form itself. Is there a URL formula for this?