Forum Discussion

MikeBlinkhorn1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Creating summary metrix displays on a home page

We are seeking to not show summary charts/graphs etc, but just the single number of the summary, similar to the attached.

If we've had 16 signs manufacture in a day, we don't want a pie or graph, we simply want to display the number "16" with a description.

I'm not seeing how this can be done in QuickBase.  HELP.

Mike Blink

2 Replies

  • There is a way to get closer to the look that you want to replicate the VFD.PNG look.

    It is a two step process.  The first is to get the values that you need onto a record.  Typically this done by making a helper table with just 1 record in it act as a global summary record for your detail records and float up a summary count of the value you are looking for.  For example, that might be a Summary Totals of the count of the # of Orders scheduled for Production today.

    Then we use a Rich Text formula field to format that number larger and perhaps in color and we may add some other fields to provide extra text.

    Then lay out those fields on a form.

    As I recall, we do that by doing a preview of the form, and then using the URL for the Preview as a web page Dashboard element. ​

    Feel free to contact me to work on this together on a a one-on-one basis.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MikeBlinkhorn1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hi Mark, here's a larger view of the VFD:

      Each of the larger numbers are a summery of data.  The table rows (with blue, yellow and green) are a snapshot of the table referenced.

      Mike Blink