Forum Discussion

LessaKennedy's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Cross-referencing Parent and Child Company Records

We have many affiliate companies as clients where each affiliate has it's own "Inventory" record, and have a Group Name field that establishes the affiliated companies and a field to identify Parent versus Child for those that are part of a group. Based on that, is there a way to populate a field (Affiliates) in the parent record with the names of all the affiliate companies associated? In the current database, they're manually updating a field to show the names of all affiliates.

Even better, can we set up a way to link from parent to affiliate records and vice versa, allowing someone to easily jump back and forth between the records, using those Group Name and Affiliates? I think I know how to do that to get to the parent from a child, but not how to get to multiple children from the parent.

Lessa Kennedy

3 Replies

  • Can you explain your key tables and their relationships?  Do you have relationships?

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • LessaKennedy's avatar
      Qrew Member

      We have a Clients table that has the most basic info (company name, ID and status) and then what we refer to as Inventories, where there can be multiple Inventories under a client. That can include different products defined in the record, or in this case, different affiliates with the same product but separately licensed with different configurations.  Those are differentiated in Inventory with a name under SubSystem (in the form for that product group, we've applied an alternate label of Named Affiliate). So, the Clients table defines the Company Record ID, and each affiliate (including the parent) has it's own Record ID in the Inventory table.

      If a company is not part of an affiliate group, GroupName and SubSystem are left blank.  Currently, the only way to group affiliates and navigate between them is filter a report on GroupName to see all and go back and forth from there. And the team is manually maintaining a list of entity names in a field, having to update that any time an affiliate is added, removed, spun off as an independent entity, etc.  Only serves as a reference.  In the old system, there was a field similar to SubSystem where they could tag the different affiliates, but again, only for reference. With QuickBase, hoping to streamline and automate to make it easier to manage these complex clients, which can have a few affiliates, or I think in some cases 20 or more.

      Lessa Kennedy
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Are you asking this?

        "One Client has Many Inventories.
        I want to float up the different Affiliate Names up from the Inventory records up to the Client and then to be able to search and Dynamic filter The Clients records on Affiliate Name"

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)