Forum Discussion

SaviNewman1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Date Help


My company inputs water samples, for our tasks.

There is a relationship between the two. 

Like, the task name so it connects to the task overview. 

Within the water sample, is a field to input the date the sample was taken.

We need that date, to display on the task labeled "Nitrate Sample Last Taken" and it displays the date from the water sample on the task IF it was a nitrate.

Can you help?

Newman, Savi

1 Reply

  • No problem. You have a relationship where one task as many water samples.  

    Just go to that relationship and on the left side, make a summary field of the maximum of the date field subject to a filter where the Type was nitrate.  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)