Forum Discussion

ElizabethSchlag's avatar
Qrew Member
30 days ago

Historical Date Change Tracking

I am trying to set up a date field that has changed logged within the form, similar to text fields. Is this possible in Quickbase, maybe using a formula? We are tracking target completion dates. These sometime change, but we want to track how often the target has moved and we want that visible in the form (hence not wanting to use pipelines to achieve this and tracked in a separate report). Any suggestions/solutions?

The current field is Date/Time, which does not allow logging.


  • There are many ways to do this but let me start with the most simple one.

    Make a new field called [Target Completion Date Changes] which would be a text field and enable logging.  

    Make a form rule that says when the record is saved and the date has changed

    Action :

    Change the value of the field [Target Completion Date Changes] to the value of the field [Target Completion Date]  


    An alternative method is to use a pipeline that triggers when the date changes and to add a record to a child table.  You would create a field on that table called user who changed and this would be a user type field and you would populate that with the [Last Modified by] field of the changed record.

2 Replies

  • There are many ways to do this but let me start with the most simple one.

    Make a new field called [Target Completion Date Changes] which would be a text field and enable logging.  

    Make a form rule that says when the record is saved and the date has changed

    Action :

    Change the value of the field [Target Completion Date Changes] to the value of the field [Target Completion Date]  


    An alternative method is to use a pipeline that triggers when the date changes and to add a record to a child table.  You would create a field on that table called user who changed and this would be a user type field and you would populate that with the [Last Modified by] field of the changed record.

  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander


    I strongly recommend that you go with Mark's solution.  The child table for collecting date changes is extremely powerful.   If you add an additional field for Notes on the Date Entry, you gain insight on the change.   Furthermore you know the Date of the "Date"  and who entered it.

    Your child records look something like this

    Estimated Date   Note                                              Record Owner      Date Created

    23 May 2027     We broke the prototype               Jim Fox                 21 May 2024


    The running history of these will tell you a tremendous amount.