Forum Discussion

HarrisonSmith's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Date Modified Formula

I have a 2 part question:
A) Does the Date Modified field value update if a record is simply "read" during an import, ie after a CSV import occurs, you see the screen that says "500 rows read, 100 records added, 100 records modified". Would those last 300 records in this example have their Date Last Modified value change or does it only change when a substantive data change occurs?  

B) if those records that are read do have their Date Last Modified value change, I'm trying to come up with a checkbox formula that says: If Date Last Modified is during the past 10 days, true, otherwise false

Essentially, I'll have a weekly automated import process, & I want to ensure any records that are included in the import are marked as active. Nothing about these records will change, the only way to determine if they're inactive is if they're no longer in one of the weekly imports. If the "read" records don't have their Date Last Modified value updated, do you have any recommendations for determining if a record is still active or not? 

Harrison Smith
  • The [Date Modified] will only be updated if there is a change to the record.  So the 300 records will not have their [Date Modified] field be updated.

    If you were able to include a field in your import such as today's date then any records which were not in the most recent import would have an old date. I mention that because I have a use case where I receive an automated feed of active customers from another system and I need to know when to remove a record. So what I did is arrange for the source import to include the current date. That way every record which was matching one of my current records would be updated and in my data file the records which were not updated start to look suspicious like they have dropped off the data feed.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • HarrisonSmith's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I see, thanks Mark. I'll look into adding today's date to the import file. 

      Harrison Smith