Forum Discussion

GeoffreyHarmuth's avatar
Qrew Captain
8 years ago

Deactivate user without support ticket

So i have a user field in many of my reports and forms that I use.  When that user leaves the company, I want to de-activate the user rather than delete.  If i delete that person, then i cant do any reporting history because the name is not in the user field anymore or available in the picker.  

By de-activating the user, will this solve the problem of 

1) user is now denied access
2) user is still in the picker
3) My billing plan is unaffected because the user is not registered
  • Hi Geoff,

    Yes, you are right. For the point 3, once you add them to the denied list and they will still be registered with the company but, they can't access the app anymore. Or in other words, they will be on hold. Suppose that, if somebody joins again then, they don't have to register again with the company once you remove from the denied list.


  • Thanks Gaurav.  Now how do i de-register the user without lodging a support ticket?
  • Hi Geoff,

    In the My Apps page, Click on a link "Manage all users beta" in the center of the right side. From there, you can view the Denied or Deactivated option, then, click on the respective user and click on the allowed option.

    Do let me know if you need any further help.


  • So the "Manage all users beta" has been removed now.  Is there a way to deactivate a user in the new admin console?
    • GauravSharma3's avatar
      Qrew Commander
      Hi Elise,

      In the My Apps page, Click on a link "Manage my account" in the center of the right side then, go to Users tab from the left panel and search for the user then, click on the respective user and you can view the Deny or undeny option.

      Do let me know if you need any further help.


    • EliseFaustino's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I'm not wanting to deny them, just deactivate, which does not seem to be an available option anywhere now. 
    • GauravSharma3's avatar
      Qrew Commander
      Deactivate or deny both are the same option. You can undeny or activate back whenever you want.

      Please let me know if you need any further help.

      • ACASSQB_Admin's avatar
        Qrew Member

        I have run into this issue as well.  Denying access is not what we need.  We'd like to deactivate users as they remain in picker dropdowns if they are denied.  Deactivating them removes them from the picker.

        I need a way to deactivate them.  I really don't want to log a ticket every time this comes up.


        ACASS QB Admin