Forum Discussion

MiriamKlugman's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Deleting Multiple records by record ID

I have a list of 5,600 records that need to be deleted.
The list I have is in excel showing all the record ID numbers.
What's the quickest way for me to delete this in QuickBase?

Miriam Klugman
  • No problem. Create a new table called records to be deleted. Set the key feel to be the record ID of the records to be deleted.
    Make a field on this table called OK to delete which is a formula checkbox with a formula of true.

    Make a relationship where one record to be deleted as many records based in the record I'd of the records table. 

    Look up that field that will tell you whether it's OK to delete the record.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • In a similar vein to Mark's suggestion, you could:

    • Add a new field to your QB table named 'OK to delete'
    • Add a column 'OK to delete' to your spreadsheet which you fill with 'Yes' in every one of the 5,600 rows
    • Import the record ID# and 'OK to delete' columns back into your table, merging on record ID#
    • Create a report in QB that selects records where 'OK to delete' is 'Yes'
    • Delete all records selected by your report using the 'Delete these records' feature

    Jeremy Anson
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Yes, actually the solution posted by Jeremy is a bit more simple than mine.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
      • MiriamKlugman's avatar
        Qrew Member
        Thank you!
        It was very helpful!

        Miriam Klugman