DIfference between the same field in a table from the two most recent entries
Hi! My title is incorrect above and I can't seem to edit it-whoops! I am trying to set up a formula field that finds the difference between two fields in two separate entries (for the same customer) and for the two most recent entries only. For example, Entry A field X from 01/01/2022 is 98.72; Y is 50. Entry B field X from 09/06/2023 is 200. This formula field would calculate the difference (always a positive value) between B and A (X-Y) and record 150 in field Y in Entry B. Then, Entry C field X added on 10/24/2024 is 700; the difference between Entry C X field and Entry B (most recent) Y field is recorded in field Y in Entry C...and so on always focusing on the two most recent entries by Read Date.
I have attached a screenshot of how I would like it to function; I have manually entered the data in this example. Is this possible? Or something similar?
Thank You!
Jill Jackson