Forum Discussion

DarrylDarryl's avatar
Qrew Member
10 years ago

Disable the Record Actions column in Custom Query

I am constructing a query to display a table in Exact Forms. My query works just fine and I am selecting specific columns using the clist option however I do not see how to disable the record actions (view and edit). I don't want these showing up in my table. I've reviewed the documentation at however the solution is not evident.

4 Replies

  • Hi Daryl,

    This can be acheieved by adding &options=ned.nvw. to the end of your url query. This will remove the edit and view icons.

    I have pasted below the other parameters available.


    A period-delimited list containing any or any combination of the following options:

    • num-n return a maximum of n records
      Note that num-n cannot be combined with the csv or tsv options.

    • onlynew return only those records marked with new or updated flags

    • skp-n skip the first n records returned by the query
      Note that skp-n cannot be combined with the csv or tsv options.

    • sortorder-A for ascending sorts

    • sortorder-D for descending sorts

    • ned to omit the edit icons in HTML table format

    • nvw to omit the view icons in HTML table format

    • nfg to omit the new and updated icons in HTML table format

    • phd for plain (non-hyperlinked) headers

    • abs for absolute URLs

    • csv for comma-separated value output format
      Note that csv cannot be combined with the num-n or skp-n options.

    • tsv for tab-separated value output format
      Note that tsv cannot be combined with the num-n or skp-n options.

    This is listed in a table in the api gen results table section of the Quickbase api guide:

    For the complete api guide:

    I would also recommend looking at num and skp functions for tables being generated on exact forms (it may not be useful for this purpose but will be useful to you at some point), this allows you say display 10 record (as this will fit to your page) and then then next say 10 records on a table on the next page using the same query but using skp skip 10 records and then num to return the next 10 records. If you use a relationship to count the number of related records you can build a javascript formula to only display the table if there are records in it. I have previously posted about this on the forum.
  • Jack - your answer went above and beyond. I appreciate it! One follow-up question... I am able to omit the edit and view icons using the options you described however the (empty) column still shows up when the table is rendered. It's not a deal breaker but looks less professional to have an empty column. Any way to remove the column altogether?
  • Yes you can do this via using customised CSS for your exact form. The customised CSS is added as a code page in your app and then the CSS template defined in your exact form has to be amended to point towards your custom CSS page.

    You can either write your own from scratch defining the style for each element of the quickbase table (note this may take you a while but can be done if your feeling adventurous and have some knowledge of CSS).


    You can make a copy of the current quickbase CSS template and edit only the bits you want to change. This involves defining styling for undefined elements (these normally inherit styles unless there is one defined for the element). Where these are defined and your amending the style doesn't work then use !important to force it to apply your style. For example div.tablesearchresults {font-family:Arial !important;} this will force the font to be applied (note this isn't best practice but can be used).

    I have previously posted some info on a border less table on an exact form  (useful for long lists) which can be found here:

    Here is a grid style table CSS template (this removes the left column but also removes the total):

    To apply this simply paste the pastie code above into a code page and name the page. for example grid.css
    Then in your exact form in the head section find the call referring to the default css template and replace it with this (changing REALM NAME to your realm name and the CODE PAGE TABLE ID to the table id of the main dashboard (i.e click home on the app and take the table id from there):

    <link href=" PAGE TABLE ID?act=DBpage&pagename=grid.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

    There are some limitations, such as if quickbase make changes to the id of elements you have defined with your own styles then you will need to update the CSS template to get it to work.

    Hope this helps.

  • It looks like these options are no longer valid. They do not work for me and I do not see them in the API documentation. Is there another way to hide the view/edit on a url query?

    (Found out it works with &opts=ned.nvw.)