Forum Discussion

AmberPollard's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
11 years ago

Display field of most recent child record?

Parent table: Computers

I want a field in this table to reflect the most recent "status" that was entered for each child record in a Statuses table.

I'm sorry -- I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, but I've tried about five different searches to see where the answer for this question would be.

Thank you!

  • Make a summary field of the maximum of the Record ID# of the child status table records called [Maximum Record ID# of status records]

    Make a new relationship where 1 Status is related to Many parents - ie a reverse relationship and the reference field at the right side will be that field [Maximum Record ID# of status records]

    Then just do a lookup of the Status from the Child to the Parent. but QuickBase will see it as a lookup from a parent to a child.
    • MarleneMarlene's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      My apologies for the very naive question but how/what is the syntax to get the maximum record ID#?
       I created a field and typed ' Max([CI-PN ID#]) ' under the formula field but the syntax seems to be incorrect.
       How do I get a max of a record?
      And more generally how can I get the max of a table or a column of a table?

      Thanks for your help
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      You need to have a relationship first. If you need to have the Maximum of a whole table just to get it for some reason,, the you will need ot set up sort of a dummy table and enter one record into it.  It will be [Record ID#] of 1.

      Then on the details table where you want to know the Max, you will make a formula field called perhaps [Link to max record table (=1)] and make it a formula numeric field with a formula of 1.

      Then make a relationship where that 1 Max record table has many (in fact all) details records based on that link field used on the right hand side of the relationship.

      Then make a summary field on that relationship for the max record ID. There is a button to make a summary field on the left side of the relationship.

      Then do a lookup of that max field down to the child table and every child will know what the max record ID# is.
    • MarleneMarlene's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I realize it is much different from what I would have done on excel/matlab..A whole new philosophy to embrace ;-)
      I have done my homework and managed to retrieve the latest status which was my initial intend. Thanks a lot for the explanation!
  • There is a new  type of summary field which makes this much easier now.

    1. Make a summary Maximum of the [Record ID#] of the locations table.  call it [Record ID# of most recent location]

    2. Look that up from the Aircraft down to Locations.

    3. Make a new summary field of Combined text type to summarize the locations, subject to the filer that [Record ID#] = [[Record ID# of most recent location]

    That will be the last location now up on the Parent Aircraft record.

    That field will have a bubble-like format.

    If that bothers, you, you can make a new formula text field field with the formula

    ToText([my combined text summary field of the most recent location])

    • RickPutnam1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      This is a nice technique. Unfortunately, I found the description fairly confusing, so I'm going to restate it in a way my beginner brain understands. The following description assumes a relationship has been created between Parent and Child tables and you are on the Edit Relationship page:

      1. On the Parent side, create a Summary Field of type Maximum and relate it to the [Record ID#]*. Call it [Latest Child Id]. This field will capture the Record ID# of the most recent Child record related to a given Parent.
      2. On the Child side, create a Lookup Field that references the Parent's [Latest Child Id] (the one we just created in step 1). The name will default to [Parent - Latest Child Id]. This will be a field on each Child record referencing the Child [Record ID#] that the Parent sees as the latest one.
      3. Finally, on the Parent side, create a Summary Field of type Combined Text that references the field you want to display, say "Your Field", from the latest Child. Under the "Only summarize records where the following is true" section, set [Record ID#] equal to [Parent - Latest Child Id] (the lookup field created in step 2). This allows the Summary Field to filter out all but the last of the Child records. Call the new Summary Field [Latest Child "Your Field"].
      4. Display the Parent's new Summary Field [Latest Child "Your Field"] on reports and forms as called for in your requirements or use cases.

      Note wherever I've used "Child" or "Parent" in a field name substitute the names from your tables.

      * [Date Modified] might be a better way to capturing the "most recent record" depending on your use case.

  • I tried this and I'm lost. I built a new simple app just to test this, but can't seem to get the Parents to display the highest numbered related status. Is there any more detail for this available?
  • Contact me via the information in my profile and I will have a quick look at your test app.
  • Thanks for the quick response. I found another response you wrote to a similar question, and that had enough for me to get it working.
  • I know that this is a very old post but I have a similar but more complex issue. I have a fact table that captures aircraft base locations on a monthly basis (the new monthly data is appended to the table). The table captures many aircraft and their locations every month, but I am trying to pull out only the latest location for each aircraft, which means that I'm only looking for the last input for each aircraft.
  • OK, so I have run into another issue. When I try to create a Summary Field on my Parent Table (Aircraft table) from my Child Table (Location table), I am getting an error that states "you cannot create a summary field using a relationship where the reference field is a lookup field". The issue is that the foreign key in my Child Table (Location table) is set up as a look-up from the Parent Table (Aircraft table) so that the user doesn't have to remember the detailed Aircraft codes when inputting a Location. Is there any way around this or do I have to create a new input that requires the user to manually type in the Aircraft code every time they input the Location data?   
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Warren, can you describe the relationship between Aircraft and Locations?  What is the Key field of Aircraft?  Is it a simple relationships where 1 Aircraft has many Locations?

      But if you have a legitimate reason for the setup you have, then the solution will be to have a mirror field which is maintained which has a duplicate of the related Aircraft field, so that it is not a lookup field.

      Then typically I set up a save table to table copy to copy the locations table into itself merging on record ID#, and updating that mirror field.

      Then I have an Automation fire to run that saved import whenever locations are added or edited and the lookup field does not match the scalar mirror field.   
    • WarrenWillits's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Yes, it is a single aircraft to many locations relationship. We have a dimension table with all the aircraft information and a fact table with all the various airport locations that the aircraft is based each month. The Aircraft table is basically a static list while the locations table is being updated every month.

      I did try creating a new text formula field where I basically copied the Aircraft code from the Aircraft lookup input, but QuickBase still gave me an error stating that it was a Lookup field.
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Can you tell me the Key field of the Aircraft table and the where you get the data for the field likely called [Related Aircraft]
  • A possible work around, while not entirely clean... create a formula field which will have [Foreign Key] as the contents... use this new formula field to make the summary field. Same values, but technically not from the parent table to begin with.
    • BrandonDavey's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi All, 

      So this was a very helpful discussion thread and I have 99% of this working for me, however, I am unable to pull the most recent data point when its a "user" field.  Is there a reason I cannot "summarize" a user field?

      Brandon Davey
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Only a text type field can be summarized into a Combined Text Summary field.
        but np
        Create a text formula field called [User in text format]

        ToText([my userid field])

        Summarize that.

        Then convert it back to a User field on the Parent record with a formula user field.

        ToUser(ToText([My Combined text summary user field]))

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach