Forum Discussion

bjsusol's avatar
Qrew Member
4 months ago

Displaying a checklist/questions based on a field?

I'll start by stating while I have gone thru much of the free training and also have taken several paid classes, this is my first app that I'm building from scratch.

I am looking to create a small walkaround/audit app for a number of facilities.

For the sake of this example let's say I have 4 facilities and 5 locations in each. There will be a "checklist" or "set of questions" assigned to each location in each facility. These checklists may be reused by different locations, but not necessarily.

Technically, a single audit will have a single location, and a single checklist/set of questions assigned to it. If I create the new audit, and I choose the Facility and Area, I want the assigned checklist/questions to show up for the auditor to fill out. Is there a way to dynamically add these questions, or dynamically add a new pre made form with these questions to the existing form? 

I initially thought of just adding ALL the questions to a form and use dynamic form rules to make them visible or not based on the facility/area, but another piece of the puzzle is we would like the power users involved to be able to add their own locations, and their own questions.  I wouldn't expect these guys to deal with these rules. Additionally, I am realizing there would be rule for each question for each facility/area for each question. This may still be the way we need to go, at least for a "Version1" of this app, but I have to imagine there is another way. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 







  • This would be best done with a structure where the user Creates a parent Daily Facility Audit record to select the facility/area from a drop down list and enters the date (which can be set to default to Today).

    Then you would have a child table of Daily Audit Questions.

    You would also have a Master Table of Master Audit Questions in a relationship where One Facility/Area has Many Master Audit Questions.  

    When the User saves the Daily Facility Audit and it has no child records, you would initiate a Pipeline to search the table of Master Audit Questions and then in the for Each Loop you would add a record to the child table for Daily Audit Questions.

    The format of the questions will need to either be identical or possibly say two or three formats which would be controlled on the form by a form rule.  

    I don't know what your questions look like now but for example you could start with a template where it's a yes no or pass fail type multiple-choice response and then a freeform open Comment field.

    The user would have the choice to use Grid Edit to answer the questions or they might view the first record on the embedded report and save and next their through the children.